Wrist xray normal
Wrist xray normal

If any of the images came out unclear, they’ll have to retake them. You’ll be asked to wait while they check the images. What can I expect after a wrist X-ray?Īfter your wrist X-ray, your radiologic technologist will want to make sure all of the images are clear. If you’re in any pain, let your technologist know so they can help assist you through the test. A picture of your wrist at an angle (oblique view) may also be taken. The images include one picture taken from the top with your palm facing down (posteroanterior view) and one picture taken from the side (lateral view). Your technologist will return to reposition your wrist as needed. Then, they’ll go into a small room or behind a wall to activate the X-ray machine.Ī normal wrist X-ray includes at least two images. Your technologist will put an X-ray film holder or digital recording plate under the X-ray table. You may also be asked to hold your breath while the X-rays are being taken. You’ll be asked to keep very still during the test because any movement can affect the X-ray images. They may put sponges or other positioning equipment around your wrist to keep it in place. The technologist will have you place your arm on the X-ray table. The X-ray itself is painless - you won’t feel the radiation. The X-ray room is set at a cold temperature to protect the X-ray equipment, but the test should be quick - no more than 15 minutes. What can I expect during a wrist X-ray?Ī radiologic technologist will perform your wrist X-ray in your hospital’s radiology department. If you have any questions about the X-ray procedure, your technologist will be able to answer them for you. If it’s urgent, your technologist will use precautions to reduce the risk of radiation exposure to your growing baby (fetus). But your healthcare provider will decide if you need an X-ray. Wrist X-rays use a very small amount of radiation and are considered safe during pregnancy. If you’re pregnant, tell your radiologic technologist. Jewelry can show up on the X-rays and can interfere with getting a usable image. You’ll want to make sure you remove all jewelry from your hand and wrist before the X-ray. Wrist X-rays don’t need a lot of preparation. Soft tissues such as your muscle, fat and organs are less dense, so they appear different shades of gray. Your bones absorb more radiation, so they look white on X-rays. Your body parts vary in thickness, so they absorb different amounts of radiation. The picture is displayed on special photographic film or a digital platform (like a computer screen). X-rays send beams of radiation through your body to create a picture. Radiologic technologists are trained in patient care, radiation exposure, radiation protection, radiographic positioning and radiographic procedures. Who performs a wrist X-ray?Ī radiologic technologist (X-ray technician) will perform your wrist X-ray. An X-ray is one test that can help determine your child’s “bone age.” Your child’s bone age can tell your child’s pediatrician if they have a health condition affecting their growth.

wrist xray normal

If your child’s pediatrician is concerned about your child’s growth, they might request a wrist X-ray. These X-rays can be used to make sure your bone was set properly and to ensure your bone or joint has healed correctly. Your healthcare provider may use a wrist X-ray after a broken bone has been set.

  • Degenerative conditions such as arthritis in your wrists.
  • Broken bones ( fractures) in your wrist.
  • They can use a wrist X-ray to diagnose possible health conditions involving your wrists. Your healthcare provider uses a wrist X-ray to find the cause of any pain, swelling or tenderness in your wrist. Soft tissues absorb less radiation, so they appear in various shades of gray. Calcium in your bones absorbs more radiation, so your bones appear white. X-rays send a beam of radiation through your body. Healthcare providers use X-rays more often than any other kind of imaging. X-rays use a type of radiation called electromagnetic waves to create an image of the inside of your body. Your healthcare provider uses a wrist X-ray to diagnose and treat health and medical conditions in your wrist. Your carpal bones are aligned in two rows of four bones each at the base of your hand. A wrist X-ray shows your two forearm bones (radius and ulna) and eight wrist bones (carpal bones). The image displays the inner structure ( anatomy) of your wrist in black and white. What is a wrist X-ray?Ī wrist X-ray (radiograph) is a test that produces an image of the inside of your wrist.

    wrist xray normal

    A wrist X-ray shows the inside of the wrist.

    Wrist xray normal